According to the information we have learned from the industry, the current trends and challenges in the RFID tag antenna industry mainly include the following points:
1 Price competition is fierce and antenna manufacturers have thin profits
Although a large number of RFID tag antenna manufacturers have been eliminated due to environmental protection requirements, the price competition between the remaining leading companies is also relatively high.
2 The price optimization of aluminum etching process is close to the ceiling
Currently, the vast majority of RFID tag antennas on the market use aluminum etching processes. The raw materials used in antenna factories are mainly aluminum, substrates, hydrochloric acid and other chemicals. The raw materials
Prices have fluctuated greatly in recent years, and domestic labor costs have gradually increased. Therefore, the cost optimization of RFID antennas using aluminum etching processes has reached its limit.
In addition to aluminum antennas, there are also some copper antennas. However, copper antennas are only used in a small number of applications because of the high price of raw materials.
3 The market needs new antenna processes to reduce the cost of tags
The price optimization of the aluminum etching process has reached its limit, and new processes are needed. Currently, there are two types of new processes in use in small quantities on the market. The first is die-cutting antennas, and the second is printing.
Brush antennas, both types of antennas can theoretically be optimized in terms of cost, but to achieve large-scale application, the production process needs to be mature.
4 Labels for environmentally friendly processes have begun to receive industry attention
In today's society, environmental protection and sustainable development are receiving more and more attention. Based on this background, RFID tags with environmentally friendly technology have begun to be used on the market. RFID
Environmentally friendly labels are mainly reflected in two aspects. The first is the base material. Traditional PET and other materials are difficult to degrade, so paper-based RFID labels are beginning to appear on the market;
The second is the antenna production process. The traditional etching process will cause serious chemical pollution, while die-cutting, printing and other processes greatly reduce this pollution.
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